Of weddings and dreams
Wedding and dreams
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If we talk about weddings, we talk about dreams, about illusions. It is a special moment in the life of two people who decide to commit themselves, it is a symbol of love, of surrender.
The portfolio of photos that you will see today are from an Argentine photographer, settled years ago in Madrid and that I know from a very young age, a great friend and a better person, so I am very proud to present your work, because it is simply perfect !!!
He is Adrian Tomadin, he has his own definite style, indisputably human, far from the conventional portrait of weddings. Tell real stories, understanding each pair as "unique", let the images speak for themselves. Your common thread is to move with each image and if you do not believe me, just look at your photos!

Registering this instant is great! I loved this picture because you do not need anyone to explain anything to you! Simple, perfect and very difficult to realize.

Weddings are like princess stories. It is living in a day all the perfection!
Adrián manages with his photography to immortalize that story, that perfect day. Leaving a wonderful memory. Images that speak, that express and excite.

No doubt a wedding expert is the star wedding planner, Barbara Ten. She recommends: " preserve the personal style, currently imposes dynamic and varied environments." It generates a surprising effect to enter a room where, between a table and another, high and low centers are interspersed, textures and sizes are used different elements, and additional elements such as candlesticks, branches, books, seasonal fruits, old objects and all the resources suggested by the creativity are added to the layout. "

The dress is fundamental! Without wedding attire there is no marriage! I think there should not be a woman who has not dreamed even if she's ever wearing a dress like that! Or am I wrong? I would love to receive comments from all of them and to tell me how their dresses were. Prefer the classic white and radiant dress? Or for a more transgressive option?

Other cultures, a particular language. Worlds that go through this image!Shhh only to you! The truth is that this post we had planned quite a while ago and coincidentally (although I do not believe in coincidences) that I got married! Yes! They read well, I get married !!!!! After 11 years, two daughters and some moves, with Dario, the cutest man in the world, we decided to marry for civil and then celebrate in a very intimate lunch only with our families. When I was very small I clearly imagined my marriage like the photos we saw today. A great dress, a great party and everything a girl dreams at that age! Today with 40 years, my choice goes through another way, to resignify a life together, to reaffirm the great love we feel.
I promise to show you some details in my Instagram account!
I promise to show you some details in my Instagram account!

As I told you at the beginning, I know Adrian from a very young age Our parents worked together and we have a lot of history in common, years of friendship. Therefore, being able to show them your work is really a pride. Thank you Adrian for letting us show you your beautiful photos, after seeing them, one can perceive and feel the joy of those couples, it's like breathing a little bit of love!
We hope you liked it. And we meet next Monday with the visit we made to the house of Jana!
Adrian Tomadin Photography
[email protected]
Adrian Tomadin Photography
[email protected]